Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Law School Stress talk

Adjunct professor Andy Benjamin spoke at lunch today at a meeting sponsored by Nontraditional Law Students. I was enlisted to take notes, and I took pretty thorough ones, so if you would like a copy, email me at kremerl@.... Here are some highlights.

Benjamin is a pretty thorough critic of the law school pedagogy. "We create cynical, angry, hostile folk," he said. Law school undermines professionalism and health, he said, because it:
* negates healthy values such as intimacy and community
* promotes unhealthy values, such as valuing external rewards, status and comparative worth
* substitutes competition and anxiety for healthy motivation such as personal enjoyment and values-based effort
* Habituates students to frustration of fundamental needs, such as health routines, self esteem, relatedness, authenticity and security.

Address health and social issues:
* solid sleep, eating, exercising patterns
* Social support
* Knowledge of signal emotional states – result in activation of wellness behaviors
* Balance struck in all areas of life
* Any two of four conditions above absent, seek assistance from Sandra, SBA, Mentors
Minimize unnecessary excessive stress:
* Eliminate habitual overwork
* Abandon zero-sum competitive “need to win” paradigm, which creates perception of failure for any previously successful students
* Build skills at collaboration and legal counseling.

I know some people are interested in this: Benjamin repeated the observation that he has been criticized for making in orientation sessions: single women tend to be the most negatively affected by law school. Women in relationships tend to survive law school's stresses better. "Romantic involvements are protective," he said. "I’m not joking. Please start dating."

Here are symptoms of depression to look out for:
* mixture of anxiety, depression and hostility
* thoughts of killing self
* feeling so unhappy that you cannot shake it
* dissatisfied or bored with most aspects of life
* nicotine use (the most efficient anti-dysphoric on the legal market)
* disruptive sleep – never feeling sufficiently rested (early waking, inability to fall asleep)
* increased social isolation
* limiting normal exercise patterns

If you have more than two of these for more than a couple of weeks, he said, get counseling.

The session covered more ground, including many very specific questions from students. Also, all these lists came from his powerpoint, which had cites for studies that were the sources of the info. If you want the notes or the powerpoint, email me.

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