Monday, September 24, 2007

Top law firms for women

Working Mother Magazine, together with a consulting group called Flex-Time Lawyers (ahh, Flex Time, what a dreamy concept) has put together a survey of the top 50 law firms "for women." I have some reservations about the survey -- errr, I think men are concerned about ... oh, sigh, never mind -- but the stories are interesting. It's posted here:

The lead story says it's possible to make partner with children, and has a cheery photo of women lawyers with their kids in a law office. Happy day! But there's also a sidebar on women who leave their jobs -- or the profession -- in seek of greater work/life balance.

The Wall Street Journal's Law Blog has an entry on the survey:
The comments on the blog posting are pretty interesting. One person claims that women who work part time at law firms don't actually do any work, but spend the day web surfing. Others say that it's crazy to work at a law firm if you want to have a life, it's better to find an in-house job or go solo. Because people are allowed to post anonymously they can say whatever they want, and it's interesting to see what people come out and say.

Thanks: Mary Whisner.

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