Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Welcome 1Ls!

PALS had a table during the student organizations fair at orientation today. We met seven 1L parents who have kids ranging in age from 7 weeks to 10 years. (And it's the same mom that has the 7-week-old and the 10-year-old.) Six of the incoming 1Ls have children two years old and younger. There also were several people who don't have children, but are interested in PALS because they're thinking about having kids during law school. My guess is there are other student-parents out there who haven't found us, or whose kids are older and don't choose to be active members, as is often the case.

PALS will grow this year. I know of three 3Ls that will be giving birth during the school year -- Emma Kagel Berry manned the PALS booth for a while today (thanks Emma!) and the others will become apparent sooner or later. Who knows, there may be more.

1Ls, if you haven't found our tipsheet yet, check it out here: It includes a link to a pretty long document.

Got any specific questions or concerns? Don't hesitate to email me or Stasiu, or the yahoo group, or post comments or questions here. Good luck!


Anonymous said...

besides Emma and Ashley - who else is preggo? Inquiring minds want to know!

Lisa said...

I've been sworn to secrecy! But the knocked up condition is not one you can hide for long. Be patient.

Lisa said...

Whoops, I miscounted -- I think there are four, or five, depending on how you count it. And that's just the 3Ls. I'm out of the gossip loop with the 2Ls.