Sunday, September 30, 2007

The morning dash

The Wall Street Journal has a column about work-life balance called The Juggle. A recent column describes the morning get-to-school rush, and readers have chimed in with many tips describing how they make the mornings manageable. Some ideas might actually be useful: It didn't occur to me to tell my 5-year-old to make her own breakfast. We've gotten into a routine of just handing her an English muffin or whatever, especially since we're making breakfast for the toddler anyway. But perhaps I'm depriving her of a valuable opportunity to demonstrate independence and competence! Who knew.

Here's the story:

I try to make the mornings easier for my husband (who gets the kids up, dressed and fed most days) by setting out the kids' clothes and lunches before I leave. I may be depriving them the ability to choose their clothes, but I figure I'm also aiding marital harmony by reducing morning friction. Six/half dozen.

What do you do to make the mornings easier?

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