Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Help out a future parent


I've talked to some of you individually, but I'm putting out a general call for advice over the next few months. I'm a 2L, 18 weeks along with my first child (it's a boy!), due on March 11th. Since my husband and I are the first of our close group of friends to have kids, we'd welcome advice as we start planning for our first little one. Specifically, I have questions about

1) Doulas: Has anyone had one? We're giving birth at Swedish Medical Center, and have a great doctor, but we were wondering if a doula might be helpful. Our parents are coming into town around the birth date, but if the baby decides to come early, we might be on our own here.

2) Child care: We will probably need child care in the summer, when I go to work. Does anyone know of any great places that take infants or have suggestions on how to find/pick a nanny or nanny share?

3) Parenting support groups: What's worth doing? What's extra time that we don't have?

Thanks in advance for the advice!



Anonymous said...

I am a 1L with a 10 week old little boy. Don't have to much advice except a Doula may be nice as I had trouble expressing my wishes to the doctors through the contractions. I am also looking fo childcare so if I have a nanny by the time you are looking maybe we could do a nannyshare or something. (In addition I have a mountain of baby stuff, seats, swings, clothes, etc. that my son will be far to big for in March if you would like it. Best of luck and if you need to talk to someone who just went through the whole birth experience very recently let me know!

Vanessa said...

Tami, thanks for your advice and congratulations on your new son. I would love to chat with you at some point. My e-mail address is vth@u.washington.edu. Drop me a line whenever you have some time.

Anonymous said...

Hi Vanessa-
My husband Eric and I are also thinking of doing a nannyshare over the spring/summer. I'd love to hear if you have gotten any other information about this. Actually, it would be fun to hear more about what another expectant law schooler is planning and experiencing. Drop me an e-mail sometime if you'd like to meet for tea or something (mmitch @ u.washington).
