Monday, October 13, 2008

Congratulations PALS alumni!

Congratulations to all the former UW PALS who passed the Summer 2008 bar exam. I looked through the pass list and saw Lisa Kremer, Stasiu Nowak, Lisa Goldoftas, Laura Arras, Ray Liaw, Karen Horowitz, and Daniel Heu-Weller. Please let me know if I'm leaving anyone out! We're so happy for all of you.


Lisa said...

Thanks! It's a relief. Let's see, also we've got Louis Butler, Fearon Brown, Tricia Birdsell (new mom!), Theresa Champ, Joanna Giles, Carmen Smarandoiu and Ryan Ko. And there are other PALS members taking the exam in other states -- I hope they'll chime in when they get their results.

I'm off to drink more champagne!

Jodye said...

I am not a PALS alumni, but Dave wanted me to check to see if I could find out if you passed. I Googled and found the answer here.
Congratulations on passing your bar, and having all your hard work pay off.
If you don't know who we's a hint: DrainTech Northwest. Again we both wish you a big
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! ! ! ! !

Lisa said...

Thanks Jodye! That's awesome. Great to hear from you!