Monday, January 21, 2008

Work/life essay contest

The Project for Attorney Retention and the Ms. JD blog are offering a $1,000 prize for an essay on work-life balance. The essay must be 1,500 words or less and address the question, "How Do We Close the Gap Between Baby Boomers and Millennials on Work/Life Balance?" Essays are due by Feb. 29 and the winner will be announced March 28. It appears to be open to both lawyers and law students.

The Ms. JD blog further describes the topic: "What would you say to a baby boomer law firm partner who thinks young lawyers are lazy and don't understand what the profession is all about? What would you say to a senior colleague who says she had to put in the work, so why shouldn't you? In short: what's your rationale for work/life balance reform in the legal profession?"

For more information and an entry form, see

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