Thursday, August 23, 2007

Part-time options at big law firms

The Project for Attorney Retention at Hastings has surveyed dozens of large law firms to determine whether they offer part-time schedules for attorneys, and whether attorneys who work part time also receive the pluses of firm work, including benefits, eligibility for partnership, ability to work on pro bono cases, etc. Check out the results -- and look up your firm and your friends' firms -- at

Thanks to Cynthia Calvert of the Project for Attorney Retention for bringing this to my attention. PAR is a project of the Center for WorkLife Law at Hastings, and the fact that they have such a center just makes me want to go there (but do THEY have a remote learning room? huh?). PAR doesn't call it part-time work, by the way: they call it "balanced hours," a term I hadn't heard before. The busy Hastings folks have done a lot of studies about finding ways to make law a more doable profession for those who can't or won't work inhumane hours. There's a lot of information on their site. Here are some of the tidbits I enjoyed:
* Tips for how to work part-time:
* Stories from attorneys who have worked part time:
* Links to a zillion work/life resources:

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