Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Maybe Baby (cont.)

Thank you to everyone who came and participated in the Maybe Baby panel and made it such a success. A PALS alumna, Laura Arras, was able to poke her head in for a few minutes, but due to time constraints, we weren't able to hear from her. Laura has a very valuable perspective on the Maybe Baby issue and she very kindly gave me permission to post a portion of an email explaining her choices here:
(From Laura)
If I were paneling, I would say this [if there is a gap to fill, feel free to read it]:

Everyone's circumstances are different, obviously. The only judges of your "work-life balance" are yourself and the ones with whom you share the "life" part.

I had a baby at the end of my 1L, and juggled her through classes for my
2L year.

I wanted to work after school/ the Bar, but I don't want my daughter in day-care more than five-or-six hours a day until she starts kindergarten. That means I can work for 25 hours a week, unless I work in the evenings from home or for a few hours on the weekends-- which I frequently do. Call it 30 hours a week. This is not partner-track, obviously. But I drop her off at 8:50 and pick her up at 2:20, right after her nap. I have time to get some good work done in the meantime.

I am fortunate in being able to afford to work part-time and I am insured through my spouse. Again, everyone's situation is different. Money is not a driving factor for me. After I pay for daycare & my student loans, I probably make minimum wage. But I have been contracting for a little firm for the last six months, logging real-world professional experience as a litigator.

When my daughter starts school, I'll have experience and references that will help me land a full-time position. Alternatively, I can hang up a shingle without the stigma of being an inexperienced new grad.

I also work part-time for the Rigos Bar Prep company-- it isn't glamorous; it isn't a "law" job. But I'm using my school/bar experience to help people, and I'm helping to expand the program & materials to the rest of the US. Most days I work in my jammies—always a plus. I may start sitting at the table once in awhile-- maybe I'll bring Allegra for old time's sake.

Best wishes,

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Maybe Baby Panel

PALS presents: The Maybe Baby Panel.
Wednesday, March 4th 12:30 in Room 117

Thinking about having a baby in law school or beyond? Please come to the Maybe Baby Panel and hear from people who have had a baby at different points in their legal careers. Panelists include law students, a professor, and partners in a mid-sized law firm. Pizza will be provided!
Questions? Contact Amanda or Christine

Does anyone have good questions for the panelists? If so, please leave them in the comments.